In the aviation world, there are an abundance of weather scenarios the pilot could encounter during takeoff, mid-flight operations, and landing that can put the pilot and their passengers in danger. Icing is a condition that can manipulate the performance of the aircraft. After years and centuries of first hand experiences and observations, science and meteorology brought to light the dangers of icing in aviation.
Icing is when ice forms on the frame of a boat, vehicle, engine, or an aircraft. Icing occurs when an aircraft flies through a cloud that has supercooled droplets of water vapor. In order for a cloud to contained supercooled droplets, the cloud must have a temperature range of
0 degrees Celsius and -25 degrees Celsius. (Politovich, n.d.) Furthermore, there are three types of icing: Rime icing, Glaze icing (clear icing), and Mixed icing. Rime icing is brittle ice that forms and grows into the airstream, Glaze icing is a clear, transparent, smooth surface of ice that forms along the surface of the aircraft, and Mixed icing is a combination of Rime and Glazed icing. (Politovich, n.d.)
Rime Icing
Glazed (Clear) Icing
Mixed Icing
When icing occurs on an aircraft, hazards occur that effect the control of the airplane. When ice forms, it can reduce air speeds, negatively effect airflow, and reduce lift by up to 30% and/or increase drag by up to 40%. (Arbogast, 2013) Essentially, having ice on an aircraft can cause it to crash
To prevent icing from occurring on the wings of the aircraft, planes have been installed with de-icing and anti-icing systems. Propeller driven aircraft mostly use pneumatic de-icing boots. Pneumatic de-icing boots are a thermal anti-icing systems that de-ice the wing and propeller leading edges and the engine intake. Other forms of de-icing include Sonic Pulse Electro-Expulsive Deicer (SPEED), the Electro-Impulse Method, Electro-Expulsive Separation System (EESS), Electro-mechanical Expulsion Deicing System (EMEDS), Electrical Heating, Ultrasound Technology (UT), and a few more. SPEED uses Electro-Impulsive De-Icing (EIDI) that are strategically placed behind the leading edge of the wing. (Goraj, 2004) Once ice reaches a certain thickness, the EIDI will send a pulse that will break the ice and free the wing of any obstruction. (Goraj, 2004) Electro-Impulse method uses high-voltage capacitors to rapidly discharge through coils to, basically, throw ice off of the leading edge. (Goraj, 2004) EESS consists of two components, the EESS Controller and the EESS Expulsive Boot and push a current through the conductors that will push them apart. (Goraj, 2004) The force of the current will be able to break ice that is up to an inch thick. (Goraj, 2004) EMEDS uses an electrical pulse to send repetitive pulses to rapidly change the shape of the actuators in order to remove the ice on the wing. (Goraj, 2004) Electrical heating basically says what it does in its name. The electrical heating method uses a graphite based heating method to rapidly heat its section and dis-bond it from the frame, allowing the airflow to remove the ice without melting it. (Goraj, 2004) Finally, UT uses sound waves to cause stress between two martials in order to separate them. (Goraj, 2004)
Arbogast, S. (2013, July 30). Aircraft Icing and
How it Affects Your Flight. Retrieved from Universal Weather &
Aviation, Inc.:
Baars, W. J., Stearman, R. O., & Tinney, C. E.
(2010). A Review on the Impact of Icing on Aircraft Stability and Control. ASD
Journal, 35-52.
Goraj, Z. (2004). An Overview of the Deicing and
Antiicing Technologoes with Prodpects for the Future. International Congres
of the Aeronautical Sciences (pp. 1-11). Warsaw: Warsaw University of
Politovich, M. K. (n.d.). Aircraft Icing. In G. R.
North, J. A. Pyle, & F. Zhang, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences
(Vol. 1, pp. 160-166). Retrieved from
- Marquise Cunningham